World of Engineers, a new modpack. 1 minute read

Hiya! As always this is axolotl, in this post I’ll tell you some stuff about my newest project.I am very happy and proud to show you guy our newest project, a Minecraft modpack actually, World of Engineers. To be honest the modpack is made by my friend, elroNd. He is fond of linux and modpacks. Anyways I am not going to introduce him to you guys, this post is about the modpack. If you know something about the latest Minecraft mods, you probably heard the name “Create” it’s a very popular tech mod pretty much meta of the tech mods.... read more

Where am I in my life? less than 1 minute read

Hiya!This is axolotl, in this post I’ll tell you some stuff about my life.If you read my other post Who am I you’ll know that I am Turkish. In Turkey we got a national day called “April 23rd, National Sovereignty and Children’s Day” you can say what’s the fuzz about it? The reason why we got a national day called “Children’s Day” is because our first president and founder of Turkey “Atatürk” was opening the Turkish National Assembly… Little info, it wasn’t called Turkish when Atatürk were opening it now let’s continue. …he heard there weren’t a national... read more

Who am I? less than 1 minute read

Hiya!This is axolotl, your friendly tech guy. I am a [REDACTED] year old Turkish selftaught programmer and student. Right now I am working on a stupid exam paper that’ll determine my whole life.

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