Where am I in my life?

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Hiya! This is axolotl, in this post I’ll tell you some stuff about my life. If you read my other post Who am I you’ll know that I am Turkish. In Turkey we got a national day called “April 23rd, National Sovereignty and Children’s Day” you can say what’s the fuzz about it? The reason why we got a national day called “Children’s Day” is because our first president and founder of Turkey “Atatürk” was opening the Turkish National Assembly… Little info, it wasn’t called Turkish when Atatürk were opening it now let’s continue. …he heard there weren’t a national day that is dedicated to childrens, the future of the Earth. He quickly dedicated the opening day of the Turkish National Assembly to childrens and obviously sovereignty because we opened our parliment/assembly. By the way Atatürk dedicated the day to all childrens not only Turkish childrens. Because of that in that day all schools and goverment buildings are in holiday or have special programs and shows. I would say more stuff but I gotta leave so see you guys later! You guys can dm me from GitHub.

Axolotl Agatsuma

Axolotl Agatsuma

EN 🇬🇧| Gamer, Translator and Linux Enthusiast TR 🇹🇷 | Oyuncu, Çevirmen ve Linux Meraklısı